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How much a kidney costs in India?

How much a kidney costs in India? Medivisor Health​ (India) often get to hear this question from overseas patients and families needing kidney transplant.

May be that people overseas think kidneys are easily available in India, thanks to some bollywood movies which are made more for fun but are interpreted wrongly completely.

With this article 'Medivisor Health' intends to inform and advise people that organ trade (buying and/or selling of organs like kidney and liver) is illegal and strictly prohibited in India. One must refrain from getting into any such discussion and arrangement with anyone or might land into a serious trouble. So many cases have been reported in the past.

What has to be done then

Donor has to be arranged on own. The Indian law recognises three types of living donors:

  1. near relatives like parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren or spouses;

  2. others who can donate for “affection and attachment” or for a special reason but not for financial considerations; and

  3. swap donors where near relative donors are swapped between patients whose own family members are incompatible. (For example, if a husband is willing to donate a kidney to his wife but is not compatible, he can do so to another patient, provided a near relative of that patient is compatible with his wife and can donate a kidney to her.)

​​The degree of hassle varies with types of donors, the easier being in the case of 'near relative' one.

What if the blood group of the donor and the donee (patient) is not matching

One can look at going for ABO incompatbile kidney transplant.

In this, patient receives medical treatment before and after his kidney transplant to lower antibody levels in the blood and reduce the risk of antibodies rejecting the donor kidney.

The treatment includes:

  1. Removing antibodies from your blood (plasmapheresis)

  2. Injecting antibodies into your body that protect you from infections (intravenous immunoglobulin)

  3. Providing other medications that protect your new kidney from antibodies


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